“Barinder” – our Labor-Saving Solution

We developed this clincher for labor saving in-house.
As a dedicated casting manufacturer, we revolutionized the demanding deburring process by making the most of our uniquely innovative idea and technology.
Our in-house development of a clincher for labor saving in the deburring process is the focus of attention of foundries worldwide.
Deburring is a critically important process that is decisive in determining the quality and precision of cast products. Deburring had been a troublesome task that required a lot of labor and depended largely on the tuition of skilled workers. For the automation of this process, Koyama developed in-house in 1972 an automatic deburring machine as the prototype of “Barinder.” With NC machining technology built-in and simultaneously operating two different types of cutting knife, Barinder performs high-precision deburring at a high speed. This innovative machine created a sensation in the casting industry, which brought Koyama’s name into focus of attention of interested customers around the world. Ever since this proprietary development, Koyama repeated improvements and version upgrading, thereby launching a wide range of the Barinder series in succession to suit various workpiece sizes and uses. Consequently, Barinder is now patented in nine countries throughout the world, enjoying a high reputation as a superb industrial machine.

A machine that knows everything about the characteristics of cast products.
Barinder is renowned for its high performances in terms of precision, rigidity and speed. In addition, significant cost reductions thanks to standardization have made Barinder easy to introduce.
Each unit of Barinder embodies the advanced know-how of casting that Koyama has amassed ever since its inauguration. Koyama also has the strength to deliver products that meet specific user needs, such as outstanding performances in terms of precision, rigidity, operability and speed as well as saving on factory space. These are made possible by a rich track record of product developments that we have made hand-in-hand with our customers. At first, we began to make Barinder products on a custom-order basis to meet user’s specific production environment, but we have established this series as a standard line. Now, standardization of specifications and mass-production have brought about significant cost reductions, which is a boon to our customers around the world.
Major Awards Received

Automation Machine Development Award
The 7th commendation for medium and small-sized companies, 1976

Japan High Grade Cast Iron Technology Award
Japan High Grade Cast Iron Association, 1991

Japan High Grade Cast Iron Technology Award
Japan High Grade Cast Iron Association, 2001